Sunday, February 15, 2015

Quinquagesima Sunday ~ Devotion of the 40 Hours

Devotion of the 40 Hours

On Quinquagesima Sunday and the two following days, a solemn exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is held in most churches. This devotion originated from the 40 hours Jesus passed in the tomb: in some countries, the Blessed Sacrament is still “buried” in a kind of sepulchre on Good Friday and solemnly taken out of it on Easter Sunday in the very early morning. This devotion was later transferred to the three days before Ash Wednesday to atone for the excesses of “Carnival”; in this new form of devotion is attributed to either St. Anthony-Maria Zaccaria or to the Capuchin Father Joseph a Ferno.It was regulated by the “Clementine Bull” of Clement XI and enriched with indulgences by Clement XIII. In some dioceses, this devotion is kept in various churches at different times in the year, so as to form a chain of “Perpetual Adoration.”

- St. Andrew Daily Missal

For this is my body ~ Hoc est enim corpus meum

Saturday, February 14, 2015

The only true Communion is kneeling in adoration before the Eucharist and receiving it on tongue from consecrated hands

Prior to Vatican II, the Catholic Church was very reverent toward the Blessed Sacrament, and made every effort to treat this Sacrament with the greatest respect and care. The Vatican II sect (which claims to be the Catholic Church, but is most certainly NOT the Catholic Church established by Christ) could obviously care less about the Holy Eucharist. Drawing in tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions of people to worship these false Antipopes is much more important to the Vatican II sect than worrying about the Blessed Sacrament.

I'm sharing a video ( source Rorate Caeli ) of the passing around of hosts at the Manila Cathedral Mass , such a sacrilege and grave act of apostasy !

God bless Traditional Priest Michael E. Rodriguez

Father Michael E. Rodriguez offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at the Tomb of the Cure of Ars on the 15th Year of his Priesthood 8 December 2011

The Catholic Priest - Representative of Our Lord Jesus Christ - Alter Christus.

"After God, the Priest is everything." ~Saint John Vianney

Introibo ad Altare Dei

Introibo ad altare Dei.
Ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam.

I will go to the altar of God.
To God, the joy of my youth.